Women's jazz organizations
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Mujeres de Iberoamerica en el Jazz
"Mujeres de Iberoamerica en el jazz" collective was founded by Uruguayan saxophonist and composer Patricia Lopez with twenty musicians, composers, singers, and performers from Latin America.
The main objectives of this collective are: to reaffirm integration, artistic diversity, gender equity, and inclusion, disseminate the work of regional composers, cooperate between Latin American countries, and create actions together.

Musicwoman Archive and Cultural Center
On June 30, 2022, Musicwoman Archive and Cultural Center was incorporated in the State of North Carolina. The mission of MACC is to provide educational services to the general public about women’s musical creation, documentation, and preservation. The Cultural Center will employ people from the surrounding communities and provide employment for out-of-state staff in various capacities, including education, publishing, construction, engineering, horticulture, agriculture, environmental protection, culinary arts, and entertainment.

rejazz-festival is an annual festival in Berlin, which presents outstanding female bandleaders with their projects.
The focus is on original music, mainly original compositions and/or special arrangements. It is explicitly about female-led bands, but not specifically all-female bands, even if that is of course allowed.
We especially want to support music that is beyond the mainstream.

Irish Women in Jazz
Est. 2022, Irish Women in Jazz was created to empower, support and elevate female and female identifying jazz musicians in Ireland. It will also be a place to connect and commune with fellow musicians, take part in educational and professional opportunities and advance a more balanced representation across the scene in terms of gender.

Stilletto PRoductions
Stiletto Productions is passionate about public & press relations, video production and business development.

Sisters in Jazz International
„Sisters in Jazz“ International: unic & strong!
It was magic, happening on stage. Seven female jazz musicians from six nations met for the first time on Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival in august 2015. The crowd was paralized from the powerful energy which filled out the whole concert room. Sounds of Scandinavia, Middle & Eastern Europe and Asia were floating the atmosphere. You could feel jazz in its pure language. Raw, unmodified.
The concert was live recorded by the swedish radio. It appeared as CD called „Sisters in Jazz“ and was presented during the CD-release tour in February 2016.
Sisters in Jazz was initiated to network international female jazz musicians. It’s a development from the idea of ”Sisters in Jazz“ in USA.

Jazzhaus Artists
Jazzhaus Artists is an internationally acting tour booking agency. We operate across all musical and geographical borders and care about a close partnership with the bands we cooperate with. Together with the labels and managements of the artists, our goal is to develop long-lasting and sustainable strategies in order to succeed within the music industry Besides our core business, tour booking, we also provide full service artist management for several acts.
Jazzhaus Artists has existed since the beginning of 2008 (until fall 2019 under the name Jazzhaus Booking). As part of the Jazzhaus Freiburg GmbH, Jazzhaus Artists has benefited enormously from a close relation with the in-house record label Jazzhaus Records and the renowned venue Jazzhaus in Freiburg. A steady interdepartmental exchange of experience, expertise and skills is therefore also within the very essence of the Jazzhaus team.

Marita Goga music arts conception
Marita Goga music arts conception advises and supports female artists through their career- and life-planning concepts, that means coaching, creating interdisciplinary projects and female management. Female artists:
Efrat Alony, Adi Braun, Marijke Jährling, Dagmar Wilgo, Steph Winzen

Women in Jazz Organization
Women In Jazz Organization intends to help level the playing field in Jazz, so that women and non-binary people have equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to Jazz, leading to an improved and more rich, diverse, and successful art form.
WIJO is committed to honoring Black Americans as the creators of Jazz.
Women In Jazz Organization is a collective of over 500 professional Jazz Musicians and Composers who identify as Women or Gender Non-Binary. Largely a New York City-based organization, with connections to other individuals and groups nationally and internationally.

Jazz Mine Network
Cultural promotion, Women empowerment in Jazz and improvising arts, culture of meritocracy in Italy.
JAZZ MINE NETWORK, is an Italian Cultural Association, National and International Network, born from an idea of Cecilia Sanchietti, Italian drummer, in 2019. It includes musicians and active people on gender equality issues, with a specific focus on jazz and improvising arts. The main purpose is to promote the equal opportunities in arts to fight the existing unbalances, through educational, advocacy and awareness-raising actions.
JazzMine produced:
the new tool "DIJ-ITA", the platform of female jazz musicians in Italy
"Contiamoci", survey on gender balance in Italy.
Every year it awards the best Jazz Festival with a more gender balanced program.
Info jazzminenetwork.gmail@com and www.jazzmine.eu @jazzminenetwork

JAZZTHETIK Magazin für Jazz & Anderes
Jazz is female.
JAZZTHETIK is a bi-monthly magazine from Germany.
It was foundet 1987 in Münster/Westf. by the editor and publisher Christine Stephan

Women in Jazz Media
Women in Jazz Media is an award winning not for profit organization created to help support and create an equal, diverse, safe and healthy Jazz Industry.
Women in Jazz Media is an award winning not for profit organization created to help support and create an equal, diverse, safe and healthy Jazz Industry. We are a team of writers, photographers, painters, musicians, presenters, journalists, producers, editors and more and are based in China, Spain, Germany, Scotland , US and England but have roots in France, Italy, Jamaica, Poland, Mauritius and beyond and collectively speak 8 languages.

Das Online-Musikjournal & Musikerinnen*-Netzwerk MELODIVA fördert, präsentiert, unterstützt und vernetzt Musikerinnen* im Jazz- & Popularmusikbereich, um der Unterrepräsentanz, vor allem von Instrumentalistinnen* und Komponistinnen*, entgegenzuwirken und ihnen in der Öffentlichkeit eine Plattform zu geben. Es bietet den im Netzwerk angeschlossenen Musikerinnen* einen Band-Index, monatliche Newsletter mit wichtigen Infos (Wettbewerbe, Förderprogramme, Jobs usw.), CD-Reviews, einen Kalender mit Konzert- und Workshop-Terminen, Interviews und mehr. Daneben veranstalten wir pro Jahr 3-5 Konzerte in Kooperation mit Frankfurter Clubs sowie die "female music points", Workshopwochenenden von und für Frauen*. Ein weiterer Arbeits-Bereich sind unsere Nachwuchsprojekte (Nachwuchsredaktion Melodita, Miezenabend, Workshops)

Washington Women in Jazz
Open to collaborations and exchanges with international women musicians!
Created by Amy K Bormet in 2011, Washington Women in Jazz hosts an annual festival (WWJF) each March to celebrate the women of the Washington, DC jazz community. Bormet and her colleagues develop, promote and lead a wide array of concerts, jam sessions, lectures, panels, discussions, and masterclasses. A highlight of the festival is the Young Artist Showcase, where high school and college women are given a platform to perform and connect with professional jazz artists.